Pineapple-Carrot Sunshine Muffins
This is a V'con recipe that I must admit to slightly de-Veganizing because I didn't have the soy yogurt the recipe called for. I used dairy Vanilla yogurt, and kept everything else according to recipe. So we'll call them "almost-Vegan Sunshine muffins".
My boyfriend requested that I make half without carrots, so really these were half pineapple/raisin, and half full-on sunshine glory. Amusingly enough, in the end I think he may have even had more of the carrot ones than I did.
Just as the authors warned these don't inflate up into huge muffin tops, they stay pretty flat and you can definitely fill the muffin cups all the way to the I did. (I wasn't about to compromise my muffin size in the name of caution!) They did end up a little gooey on the inside, but I'd tend to think that's user error and not a mistake in their recipe. Next time I'll probably keep them in the oven for a couple extra minutes.
Otherwise these were just perfect, and quite summery!

Doesn't the one in front almost look like it's speaking to you???
They were even better slathered in lingonberry jam (yes it's an Ikea product, yes I'm a corporate whore...and furthermore I have no idea where lingonberries come from or what they look like outside of jam...happy now?)

I'm still rather shocked these came out so well, baking tends to not agree well with me...I suck at following directions.
My boyfriend requested that I make half without carrots, so really these were half pineapple/raisin, and half full-on sunshine glory. Amusingly enough, in the end I think he may have even had more of the carrot ones than I did.
Just as the authors warned these don't inflate up into huge muffin tops, they stay pretty flat and you can definitely fill the muffin cups all the way to the I did. (I wasn't about to compromise my muffin size in the name of caution!) They did end up a little gooey on the inside, but I'd tend to think that's user error and not a mistake in their recipe. Next time I'll probably keep them in the oven for a couple extra minutes.
Otherwise these were just perfect, and quite summery!

Doesn't the one in front almost look like it's speaking to you???
They were even better slathered in lingonberry jam (yes it's an Ikea product, yes I'm a corporate whore...and furthermore I have no idea where lingonberries come from or what they look like outside of jam...happy now?)

I'm still rather shocked these came out so well, baking tends to not agree well with me...I suck at following directions.
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