Leek-Bean Cassoulet
OH. MY. COMFORT FOOD. This was SOOOO good. I’ve been wanting to make this dish since I got Veganomicon, but didn’t have vegetable shortening (or any other kind) until now, so I had to hold off. I finally got the shortening last week, and made the dish last night.

The only change I made to the recipe was adding a dash of Hungarian paprika to the stew, other than that I kept everything according to recipe. I made this a true one pot meal, using the pot in which the potatoes were boiled for all the ingredients, simply adding them to the drained potatoes. The stew component was rich and creamy, and the biscuits were soft and flaky, all of which adds up to a great, belly-warming, winter months dish. While the stew tasted really rich, there is absolutely no fat in it, it’s just the shortening in the biscuits you need to look out for…but what’s a biscuit from time to time…I could do worse damage….and I went for a run yesterday, so it’s fair.

The only change I made to the recipe was adding a dash of Hungarian paprika to the stew, other than that I kept everything according to recipe. I made this a true one pot meal, using the pot in which the potatoes were boiled for all the ingredients, simply adding them to the drained potatoes. The stew component was rich and creamy, and the biscuits were soft and flaky, all of which adds up to a great, belly-warming, winter months dish. While the stew tasted really rich, there is absolutely no fat in it, it’s just the shortening in the biscuits you need to look out for…but what’s a biscuit from time to time…I could do worse damage….and I went for a run yesterday, so it’s fair.
i loooooove the leek and bean cassoulet!
Virginia, At
November 4, 2008 at 6:38 AM
I have used coconut oil instead of vegetable shortening in this and it's an awesome sub! (cause I always have it, but not veg. shortening)
Tofu Mom (AKA Tofu-n-Sprouts), At
November 4, 2008 at 9:33 PM
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