Bok Choy Bohemia | A Vegetarian Blog

Monday, June 16, 2008

Hash Browns

I’ve been wanting to make these ever since I first saw them at Vegan Yum Yum.

I used the simplest recipe possible…grating 5 potatoes, mincing an onion into them, and giving the entire heap a good grind of salt and pepper. I squeezed as much liquid as possible out of the heap, and set to frying.

For the first serving, I used PAM and the hash was the perfect crispy consistency, but the color wasn’t exactly the golden/brown hue I was going for. The potatoes were pretty pale with brown freckles throughout. After that, I decided to try out olive oil in the skillet instead. This gave me the perfect color, but no matter how long I left the potatoes in there, with the exception of the edges, they never got very crispy. Worse still, when eating, I discovered they were squishy in the middle and a bit greasy tasting.

Does anyone know what method works best for that perfectly crispy, golden potato dream I’m going for? I’d love any help…

has browns

These were still delicious though…especially with my favorite breakfast dipping sauce: ketchup mixed with Frank’s Xtreme Hot.



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