Bok Choy Bohemia | A Vegetarian Blog

Friday, March 27, 2009

BBQ Seitan and Spicy “Tuna” Sushi. Plus a really cool dish made with the extras

First off, I need to give credit to an awesome condiment. I finally made the spicy sushi (or suSI as Bobby Flay would say) sauce from Just The Food and it’s great. I even put it in a squeeze bottle so I could drizzle fun patterns over the sushi.

There were a few different rolls going on here. For starters, I made my first ever rolls with the rice on the outside. Unfortunately they’re barely visible in the background of this picture, but the lighting sucked where I had them in the foreground. The first roll I made employed the remainder of the “tuna” with a generous dash of cayenne mixed in. I would’ve added the siracha? directly, but it was already in the sauce I was putting on top. I liked this better in sushi then as a sandwich, but it still wasn’t rocking my world.

I was much prouder of the second roll. Since I’m a sushi addict (oooooh sweet potato maki) I’ve been curious about the bbq chicken rolls recently appearing on sushi menus in my area, and I decided to give my own a try. I started by cutting some homemade seitan into slivers and getting it in a skillet with about two tablespoons of peanut oil and a quarter cup of BBQ sauce. (I’m currently obsessed with eating Annie’s Sweet N Tangy). This cooked for about ten minutes (with an occasional stir) until the BBQ sauce had formed a glaze on the seitan. In the meantime I attacked a couple zucchinis with a mandolin, slicing them into long slivers. Once the seitan had been removed, I cooked up one of the zucchinis until soft. Once the zucchini was done, I did the same to about a cup and a half of sliced button mushrooms.

The inside of the rolls started with a layer of zucchini, followed by a row of mushrooms, the bbq seitan, and then an extra line of bbq sauce. The inside-out rolls got a coating of black sesame seeds on the outside. SOOOO good. I elected not to dip these in shoyu, but my other half did. To each their own. I thought the spicy sauce was good on both rolls.

I seem to always have leftover filling when I make sushi, and this time was no exception. I cut the second sliced zucchini into large linguine style strips, and added them to the skillet with a bit of peanut oil. Once they’d softened and begun to resemble noodles (I use that term loosely) I added the remaining cooked mushrooms and seitan, along with about a teaspoon and a half of tandoori masala.

This was my favorite “sushi leftovers” dish to date….and I’ve made quite a few in my time.


  • Looks great--gotta try out that sauce! I also love the sweet potato maki. :)

    By Blogger Ricki, At March 27, 2009 at 1:51 PM  

  • Mmmm I love your sushi! It's very pretty! I still have yet to tackle sushi.

    And if you ever make that tuna salad with oyster mushrooms, I'm all ears! I've tried a chickpea one (made me ill, chickpeas hate me) and one with almonds which was okay but not fantastic. I'm really loving the sound of a mushroom one though!

    By Blogger Amy, At March 29, 2009 at 1:11 AM  

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