"Tuna" Salad and Lemon-Cherry Squares
The tuna salad recipe came from Lindyloo over at
Yeah That Vegan Shit who got it from…somewhere else. I had to replace the red onion with white and I’d finished my celery in the wonton soup the day before, but I kept everything else more or less the same. Instead of kelp powder (which I should buy, because it’s awesome for you) I crumbled up a sheet of nori into the mix. I must admit, I wasn’t a huge fan of this. Maybe it’s because my chickpeas had a bit too much bite to them (blame goya, they canned the suckers) or maybe it was just too far off from actual tuna, but this didn’t do it for me. It was edible, sure…but not something I’d crave again.

I’ll blame it on the lack of celery, just because I can. I am considering reworking the recipe a bit and using minced oyster mushrooms instead of chickpeas, I find them much more “fishy” all things considered. I really wanted those deli toothpicks with colored cellophane on the tops to stick through this…not because it needed help staying together, but because it would’ve looked deli-esque, and sometimes I crave strange things. The kosher dill on the side was perfect though!
For my baking expedition of the day, I made the lemon squares from Bananas and Soymilk, replacing the strawberry-apple sauce with cherry-apple. I must admit that mine don’t look NEARLY as pretty as Virginia’s, but they tasted DAMN good. More than damn good, they were AMAZING. I’m not normally a fan of ooey-gooey sweet deserts, but these could put me at odds with my dentist, and FAST. Oh my yum.

Double thumbs up. If I had three thumbs it’d be a triple…but then that’d be pretty weird. Three thumbs…
Yeah That Vegan Shit who got it from…somewhere else. I had to replace the red onion with white and I’d finished my celery in the wonton soup the day before, but I kept everything else more or less the same. Instead of kelp powder (which I should buy, because it’s awesome for you) I crumbled up a sheet of nori into the mix. I must admit, I wasn’t a huge fan of this. Maybe it’s because my chickpeas had a bit too much bite to them (blame goya, they canned the suckers) or maybe it was just too far off from actual tuna, but this didn’t do it for me. It was edible, sure…but not something I’d crave again.

I’ll blame it on the lack of celery, just because I can. I am considering reworking the recipe a bit and using minced oyster mushrooms instead of chickpeas, I find them much more “fishy” all things considered. I really wanted those deli toothpicks with colored cellophane on the tops to stick through this…not because it needed help staying together, but because it would’ve looked deli-esque, and sometimes I crave strange things. The kosher dill on the side was perfect though!
For my baking expedition of the day, I made the lemon squares from Bananas and Soymilk, replacing the strawberry-apple sauce with cherry-apple. I must admit that mine don’t look NEARLY as pretty as Virginia’s, but they tasted DAMN good. More than damn good, they were AMAZING. I’m not normally a fan of ooey-gooey sweet deserts, but these could put me at odds with my dentist, and FAST. Oh my yum.

Double thumbs up. If I had three thumbs it’d be a triple…but then that’d be pretty weird. Three thumbs…
yay for the lemon bars! cherry sounds like a great flavor but i have never seen cherry apple sauce...i need to keep an eye out!
Virginia, At
March 27, 2009 at 10:13 AM
I love that "tuna" salad! And the squares do sound great. I tried the link but it doesn't seem to be working. . .maybe just me?
Anonymous, At
March 27, 2009 at 1:47 PM
Link fixed...for some reason when I use certain fonts at work and copy-paste into blogger, the quotation marks are different and the html is rendered dead...I usually catch it in time.
Thanks for the heads up!
be'ershevaboheme6, At
March 27, 2009 at 5:28 PM
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