Slow Cooker Chili
Since I saw my first snow of the season last week (it didn't stick...thankfully) I've officially deemed it chili season. I made chili in a pot last year, and kept an eye on it all day long to make sure I didn't burn my apartment down in the process...this year, I have a slow cooker! I scored the Hamilton Beach model for $10 on black friday, and today's chili is it's first run 'round the block. I got a slow cooker recipe cookbook from the library today, so I have a number of options for its next adventure.

The chili was topped with some avocado and Nooch...I wanted to make a guacamole, but the avocados were still too firm for mashing, but that doesn't mean they can't be enjoyed sliced and diced.
The one thing I always keep constant in my chili is using V8 as the liquid...I already know I like the stuff, there's always a box-full in my pantry, and it comes pre-seasoned, how could I lose?
Today's combination was as follows:
1/2 lb dried kidney beans
1 lg. onion, diced
2 plum tomatoes, diced
1 green bell pepper,diced
1 jalapeno (with seeds) minced
1 pkg tempeh, diced
3 cans V8 juice
2 heaping tablespoons minced garlic
1.5 tbsp. garlic salt
1 tbsp. black pepper
1 tbsp. dried basil
1.5 tbsp. cumin
1. This is the best part of having a slow cooker...dump EVERYTHING in, turn to high, and forget for 6 hours.
Have I mentioned it also makes the apartment smell like chili-deliciousness all day? I may never make a 30 minute meal again...

The chili was topped with some avocado and Nooch...I wanted to make a guacamole, but the avocados were still too firm for mashing, but that doesn't mean they can't be enjoyed sliced and diced.
The one thing I always keep constant in my chili is using V8 as the liquid...I already know I like the stuff, there's always a box-full in my pantry, and it comes pre-seasoned, how could I lose?
Today's combination was as follows:
1/2 lb dried kidney beans
1 lg. onion, diced
2 plum tomatoes, diced
1 green bell pepper,diced
1 jalapeno (with seeds) minced
1 pkg tempeh, diced
3 cans V8 juice
2 heaping tablespoons minced garlic
1.5 tbsp. garlic salt
1 tbsp. black pepper
1 tbsp. dried basil
1.5 tbsp. cumin
1. This is the best part of having a slow cooker...dump EVERYTHING in, turn to high, and forget for 6 hours.
Have I mentioned it also makes the apartment smell like chili-deliciousness all day? I may never make a 30 minute meal again...
Yum! Plus I love the idea of using V8 in the sauce mix!
Amy, At
December 3, 2008 at 1:30 AM
I know this comment is late but I am just seeing this post. I have heard that V-8 has beef flavoring in it. Did they change the recipe recently and remove that from the ingredients? It may be a good idea to check into it before you use any V-8. The chili looks great though!
bookgirl, At
January 20, 2009 at 10:27 AM
I'd actually never heard that before, and now seeing your comment I tried looking further into it. It seems there's speculation that the "flavoring" ingredient could be animal derived but no one knows for sure, and Campbells can't/won't answer.
I'm going to keep tabs on the conversation, and if there is I'll cry...I've seriously had a can a day habit for about 7 years now, it'd be like trying to wean myself off crack.
be'ershevaboheme6, At
January 20, 2009 at 10:56 AM
The fact that Campbell's wouldn't comment is something I remember as well although I swear I read somewhere that it is divulged somewhere. Maybe you could check the PETA website? When I decided to go veg, I sent away for info and received one of those booklets that list vegan and veggie safe products and I think I remember the info being in with one of the mailings I received. I hope it isn't true because I like to use it in stews, etc. myself but haven't since hearing this. Good luck on your search.
bookgirl, At
January 23, 2009 at 11:03 AM
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