Bok Choy Bohemia | A Vegetarian Blog

Friday, January 23, 2009

Linguini with "monkfish", thyme, and zucchini

I actually got this recipe from The Mario Batali in Italy cookbook (what can I say, I'm having a celebrity chef week) and it worked out quite nicely. I replaced the monkfish with the cruelty free version, also known as tofu in some circles.
I treated the tofu just as Mario had suggested, giving it generous grinds of salt and pepper while frying in olive oil. I'd say he'd be proud, but it seems all chef's (except awesome veggie ones) think tofu is the most appalling thing on earth, so he probably wouldn't be. That's fine, I am.

I'm not sure what made this so special, when it seemed to be a fairly run of the mill pasta dish. It may have been the fresh thyme, or perhaps the white wine mixed in with the tomato sauce...who knows? This is why Mario is an Iron Chef, and I'm not...

...although there's also that whole thing with cooking up bloody animal carcass and killing live sea creatures...ok I lied...there are a LOT of reasons I'm not an iron chef.



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