Bok Choy Bohemia | A Vegetarian Blog

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Fajitas and Samosa Stuffed Baked Potatoes

I got some small tortillas when we last went shopping, and had been yearning for something Mexican inspired. Enter fajitas...(I have no clue what the difference between soft tacos and fajitas really is, but who cares.) Fajitas sound cooler. The "meat" for these were my remaining sausages, sliced on an angle and fried up until crisp. The Veggies were a combination of sliced onions sauteed in red wine, garlic, and a handful of "frozen stir fry medley". I'm not huge on frozen vegetables, but at times like this, when the fridge is pretty much empty, they come in handy. We didn't bother with a cheese for these, and to be honest, they didn't need one. We did use some store bought "fajita" sauce which was quite good on the sausages especially.
I gave all the tortillas a nice toast in the skillet before filling them, and while they may not look very different, it makes a world of difference in taste.

On a more Indian note (because that's anywhere near Mexico)I also made the Samosa Stuffed Mashed Potatoes from V'Con. I actually followed the recipe to a T, which is rare for me, and they came out pretty well.
samosa stuffed baked potatoes
The only real complaint I had with these was a lack of salt. I would definitely add salt and perhaps chili flakes next time I make them, but on the whole they come highly recommended. Now that I think of it, putting some Braggs in the filling mix might work out well too.

In other news, we are going on vacation for a I probably won't be doing any cooking. I still have a backlogged meal to post about, which I'll try to do while we're away, but if not, it'll be delayed a bit. Even more exciting, my boyfriend gave me my birthday presents a bit early tonight, and I now own a pasta machine and Madhur Jaffrey's World Vegetarian cookbook (I nearly cried when I had to return it to the library) so expect treats from both of those coming to a Veggie food blog near you!


Friday, July 25, 2008

Chinese Green Beans, Saffron Rice, and a Blackberry Crumble

First, an apology. I'm having serious computer problems, and because my laptop has been un-usable, I've built up a serious backlog of food. To fix it, I'm going to try and combine several dishes into a couple entries and get the one that follows this up as quick as possible. In the meantime I'm using a different computer, and I'm hoping to soon replace the laptop with a Mac.

We still had green beans from last week’s farmer’s market in the fridge, and I’ve been thinking about the ones on cheap Chinese buffets forever. Even before I was vegetarian the green beans were always my favorite selection at the buffet, and I could never figure out exactly what they did to make them so different. Tonight I used the always magical Google to find the recipe for this green treat, and came up with these:
chinese green beans
The recipe came from here and the only change I made was substituting powdered ginger for the root, since I didn’t have any at the time. I actually think the powdered version made these more like the restaurant variety, although I’m looking forward to trying them as they’re meant to be done.

Saffron rice is something I make fairly often, more because I like the yellow color than anything else. Rather than the threads, I use powdered yellow saffron that I purchased at the Istanbul Spice Bazaar when I was there. Although it’s getting a bit aged now, the stuff still smells and tastes amazing, so I’m still using it. I don’t want to run out though…because once I do I’ll have to buy an airline ticket back to Turkey ;)
saffron rice
The trick to this is to boil the saffron WITH the water, before adding the rice. This time I used a veggie bullion cube along with about a teaspoon of saffron powder. Once the liquid boils, I add the rice, bring it back to a boil, and then down to a simmer and cover until done.

Last but not least, was dessert. A while back, we discovered a whole bunch of blackberry bushes lining the side of a nearby parking lot. We decided to check them out again today, and see how many were ripe. Upon arriving we realized we’d hit the mother load and started loading up the Tupperware we’d brought right away. First, I nearly took a face plant into the thorny bushes, and hit the ground hard. We were just about to leave when my boyfriend disturbed a formerly hidden bee hive, and they came out on the attack. Luckily he escaped with just one sting…it could have been a lot worse. That said…we got LOTS of berries, and I decided I was making dessert.
blackberry crumble
I was going to make a pie, but that hasn’t worked out too well in the past, and when I saw the recipe for a blackberry crumble, I knew that was what I was after. (It’s much simpler than attempting a pie crust) The recipe I used can be found here, and I’m sure you could replace the butter in the topping with Earth Balance or something along those lines. Switching it out might even work better, since my topping was a bit dry. Overall it was quite good…was it worth the bee sting? I don’t know, you’d have to ask my boyfriend.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Polenta Rounds and Pesto-y Pasta

I've had this "log" of polenta sitting in my pantry for a while now, and I finally felt up to the challenge of using it. I had one shared ingredient for last night's dinner, which was the broccoli rabe. I wilted down the rabe in some balsamic, with a sprinkle of chili flakes, salt and pepper. Meanwhile, I cut the polenta into 1 inch rounds, set each one up with a pat of butter and generous dosage of Parm..and cooked it in the oven at 375 for twenty minutes.
polenta with rabe
Once done, I topped the rounds with half of the rabe and some more parm to melt on top. I considered an extra drizzle of balsamic, but figured that might be pushing it a bit.

The pasta recipe was an idea that I got off of Rachael Ray and then changed around to suit my own purposes. I saw a 30 minute meals episode recently where Rachael made pasta with a tarragon/hazlenut pesto and swiss chard, served up with a side of sausages. I had some leftover basil pesto in the freezer I wanted to use, and I attempted to get the swiss chard. Not surprisingly, since I needed it, the supermarket wasn't stocking any this week. I decided to go with the broccoli rabe as a backup leafy green, which worked out fine. I also decided I wanted to put the "sausage" in the pasta, instead of serving them up on the side.
I used Vegan Dad's recipe for breakfast sausages, replacing the maple syrup with honey barbecue sauce for a more savory (and less breakfasty) flavor. The sausage flavor was great, but they were a bit soft on the inside, I think because I didn't steam them quite as long as I should have.

Overall this was good, the only change I'd make is using either twice as much pesto or half as much pasta as I did, I think you really need to coat the pasta, and I didn't have enough pesto on hand to do that...


Monday, July 21, 2008

Breakfast Hash

This was basically corned beef hash...without the corn beef. That said, I've never had or made corned beef hash, so I actually don't have a clue what I'm talking about. Two sentences in...and I've already undermined my own authority.

You can't tell me however, that you wouldn't want this for breakfast.\
I took a couple yukon gold potatoes, and did a pretty small dice. (No peeling required...I think that's the best part about yukon golds) I covered the potatoes with water in a small pot, and once it boiled, let the whole thing simmer for about ten minutes.

Few Yukon Gold potatoes, diced and boiled to soften.
Handful Green onion, sliced
1 medium white onion, minced
palmful red chili flakes
Soy Sauce
Olive Oil

1. Drain the potatoes, and toss into an oiled skillet on medium/high heat. Spread out as much as possible, and allow to brown for about ten minutes.
2. Flip potatoes, and give them a couple more minutes before adding the diced onion and chili flakes and mixing. Allow to crisp up another ten minutes or so.
3. Add a splash of soy sauce or tamari along with the green onion. Mix and cook for another couple minutes before serving..preferrably with ketchup :)


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Homemade Ravioli and Squash Blossoms

I tried making homemade ravioli using wonton wrappers once before, but it was something of a disaster. The problem was that I made the raviolis earlier in the day, and then set them aside, planning to cook them later. By the time I got to them, the filling had soaked through the wontons, and all the ravioli were stuck together, so that they ripped into pieces as I attempted to cook them. This time was MUCH more successful.


The recipe came from Guy Fierri’s “Big Bite” on food network, where I saw the show and wrote down what I remembered later. Since nothing is verbatim, and I’m sure the original can be found on the food network website, I have no issues sharing what I did.


Wonton wrappers


1 Red bell pepper

1 Onion

½ cup Ricotta

½ cup cream cheese

1 egg


1. Put corn, bell pepper, onion, salt and pepper in a skillet, and cook.

2. Remove and add cream cheese and ricotta. Mash lightly.

3. Make an egg wash out of 1 egg and a splash of milk. Use a brush to put the egg wash on the wontons.

4. Put a spoonful of filling in center of wontons, cover with another wonton (use egg/milk wash to seal) and cut into circles. Cook in boiling water.

I’ll be perfectly honest…squash blossoms are NOT easy to find. Personally, I’ve been looking for them for nearly a year now, and until yesterday, had absolutely no luck. Of course it took me completely forgetting about it to find them…and I literally stumbled across a box-full at the local farmer’s market. Score!!!

squash blossoms

The recipe for these came from Jennifer Trainer Thomas’ book Jump up and kiss me-spicy vegetarian cooking, with a slight change where I used ricotta instead of sour cream. (I had extra leftover from the ravioli, and sour cream grosses me out so I don’t buy it). I’ve been wanting to make these forever, and they were SOOO good. We dipped them in vodka sauce for an extra kick, and although they were a bit hard to deal with, I’ll definitely buy them again given the opportunity.


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Carrot Salad and Vietnamese Spring Rolls

I'm continuing with my "summer food" theme, which basically means that I only make things that can be eaten cold...unfortunately that does not necessarily mean that they don't require cooking at some point.

First off is a salad that I stole from Rachael Ray...sort of. I saw her make it a long time ago on 30 minute meals, and I can't seem to find it ANYWHERE on the food
network website, so perhaps I'm imagining things. At any rate, I doubt my version is anywhere near an exact replica of hers, so I don't feel bad giving you all the directions.

For starters, it definitely looks good:
carrot salad

The recipe is as follows
2 cups carrots, shredded
Generous splash lemon juice
palmful dried dill (I'm sure fresh would be even better)
2 scallions, sliced
Pepper and Garlic salt

1.Grate the carrots using a box hole grater, and put in a serving bowl
2.Add the lemon juice, herbs and spices. Serve!

Next I made some vietnamese spring rolls, which is something I do fairly often. There's just something so cool about being able to see the contents through the reminds me of those gloriously tacky phones I always wanted as a kid...the ones made of clear plastic so you could see all the cheap wires and unnecessary colored parts inside...Sadly my parents wouldn't let me have my own phone...never mind a see-through one.

I change these up everytime I make them, depending on what I have available at the time. Unfortunately I did not have a protein last night, since we were waiting to go grocery shopping today. I did however have some rice noodles and a few vegetables on hand. I made my own dipping sauce as well, which was pretty good, and had a SERIOUS tang to it.
vietnamese spring rolls

1 pkg. Vietnamese Spring Rolls
1 pkg. rice noodles
handful carrots, julienned
few leaves napa cabbage, sliced
1 tbsp. garlic
Green Onion
5 spice powder
Red Chili Paste
2 tbsp. peanut oil

1/4 cup tamarind concentrate
1/4 cup natural peanut butter
1 tsp. lime juice
1 tbsp. natural cane sugar

1. Boil a pot of water for the noodles and cook according to pkg. directions.
2. Heat the peanut oil in a large skillet. Add cabbage, peas, carrots, garlic, five spice powder, and chili paste. Cook until cabbage is wilted, and everything else should be done.
3. Remove noodles, drain, and rinse in cold water.
4. Dip spring roll wrappers in hot water to soften. Pile some rice noodles, skillet ingredients, cilantro and chopped green onion in each, then roll. You want to give them a little LESS stuffing than you think you need. Trust me.

Dipping Sauce
1. Mix all the ingredients together, adding some water if needed to thin. That's it!!!


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Just to hold you over

I actually cooked tonight, and made some pretty exciting food. That said, I have entire recipes and such to put up along with the pictures, and it's a bit late for that tonight. Enter......Pancakes!
blueberry pancakes 2
I made these for breakfast the other day, since we had some fresh blueberries to finish up before they were no longer.....fresh. Have I mentioned yet how much I love blueberries? I mean how could you not? They're a superfood (That's like a fruity superhero)...which means they actually prevent cancer...those teeny little berries could be saving your go out and buy some...NOW!

But anyhow, since I was up with nothing much to do, I decided to be the cool significant other and make some breakfast pancakes. My recipe for pancakes is easy...dump a bunch of flour in a bowl..add a palmful of baking soda and cinnamon...and then add milk (or soy milk) until the consistency looks like a pancake batter. Then hit the griddle. In this case, I obviously added blueberries.

Some Vermont maple syrup went on top, and that was it..a perfect breakfast. (with coffee of course)


Saturday, July 12, 2008

BBQ Seitan-Coleslaw Sandwiches and Sweet n'Sour Mung Beans

This meal was ok. I'm warning you in advance that it wasn't stellar...what can I say? Having cooked it, I'd like it to be stellar, but I can't lie to you, it was just ok.

Not being in the mood to do any heavy-duty cooking, I decided to use up my remaining seitan cutlets in the BBQ Seitan-Slaw sandwiches from V'con. Those were actually really good (the cutlets)and after some intense grilling drenched in BBQ sauce, I couldn't hope for a better seitanic ending.
BBQ seitan coleslaw sandwich
The dish was a little downhill from there. I had half a stale baguette in the fridge, and figured I could just nuke it for a renewed softness. That worked...for about a minute and a half, after which it was once again...hard as a rock. I'd decided to be creative and get a pre-cut broccoli slaw at the supermarket instead of the plain jane cabbage kind. Moral of the story? Sometimes plain jane is good...the broccoli just wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be. At least the seitan was great...remember the seitan.

To back those up, I decided to make the Sweet and Sour Mung Bean Sprouts from Madhur Jaffrey's World Vegetarian
sweet and sour mung beans
These weren't bad, but as much as I love the cookbook, I can't say there was ANYTHING particularly exciting about them

Ah well...everyones doomed to a dinner of the blahs from time to time.


Friday, July 11, 2008

Potato Salad and Seitan Cutlets with Chili Chocolate Mole

Considering I totally made it up as I went, this potato salad is really good. In fact I'll probably make it the same way again and again in the future. It started off with chunked, boiled potatoes, and acquired whatever I had in the fridge along its journey.
potato salad
2 lbs yukon gold potatoes, washed and diced.
1 cup frozen peas
handful cilantro, finely chopped
1/2 red onion, minced
1 large sour pickle, chopped
1 scallion, sliced into rings
Nasoya spread
Sweet Paprika
Salt and Pepper

1. Cover potatoes with water, salt, and boil, once they boil, cover and allow to simmer until easily pierced with a fork.
2. Drain potatoes. Throw in peas, followed by the other veggies, spices, mayo, and mustard. Mix everything together.
3. Enjoy!!! (Can you tell I love recipes where the instructions are simply "mix everything together")?

Alright, admittedly, the main course looks like poop. There. I said looks like poop. And while I'd admittedly never eaten poop and can't compare, I'm willing to bet this was a whole lot better.
seitan cutlets with chocolate mole
I made the seitan cutlets and chili chocolate mole; both from V'con. The cutlets were a little strong...I think replacing the veggie broth with miso broth was a bad choice. The mole on the other hand..IS REALLY REALLY good. There's tons leftover, and I'm excited to see what else I can smother in the stuff.


Corn-Edamame Salad, Vegetable Sushi…and desert!!!

It was perfect out yesterday, so I felt the need to compliment the weather with a perfect summer meal (enjoyed out on the balcony with some iced tea of course). We started things off with the corn-edamame salad from V’con. This took less than 5 minutes to make, and was quite yummy. It definitely gets thumbs up as a delicious and refreshing snack food for the summer season. (ok fine…I’ll probably eat it all winter long too)
corn-edamame salad

So my friend Greg just got back from a trip to Korea and Japan, and brought back the MOST AWESOME thing I’ve ever seen. He went to Disneyworld in Japan, and brought back this:
disney seaweed

Yup, that’s right; you’re looking at Mickey and Mini themed seaweed cut-outs. How COOL is that?

Since I had the awesome seaweed, I of course had to make sushi. As it turned out, I couldn’t wrap the rolls in the Disney-themed seaweed, but we could certainly decorate!
veggie sushi

The rolls were filled with carrot, asparagus, and home-pickled daikon. If you’ve never tried pickling your own daikon, you should, because it’s beyond simple. I sliced the daikon root into thin rounds, and then covered those with a combination of distilled vinegar, sugar and water, and left them in the fridge overnight. That’s it. The rolls were then decorated with the seaweed cut-outs, and served up with pickled ginger and tamari.

The leftover sushi filling made it to the table as well, topped with a handful of disney cut-outs, black sesame seeds, and the V’con sesame dressing recipe.
sushi extras
And last but not least…desert. I’ll be honest…it’s not a looker, but boy did it taste good! After watching Take-Home Chef yesterday, I decided that I MUST make Curtis Stone’s blueberry cakes. However, when I went over to the website for the recipe, I couldn’t seem to find it. I paid close attention to his directions on the show and attempted to emulate. I must have gone wrong somewhere, because mine looked NOTHING like his…but I can’t imagine his tasting much better, cause these were VERY yummy. I won’t bother with the cake recipe, since it obviously needs work, but I can tell you what went into our sauce. (The food you can actually see in the picture)
blueberry cake

Blueberry Sauce


Couple handfuls fresh blueberries

½ cup natural cane sugar

¼ cup water

Splash vanilla extract

Splash lemon juice

Orange zest


1.Heat a skillet on medium, and throw in the blueberries and sugar. Stir for a minute.

2. Add water, vanilla, lemon juice, and zest. Simmer until it forms a thick purple sauce and taste.

3.Pour over absolutely ANYTHING!


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Mango-Quinoa Salad and Portabella Burgers

It's been really hot and humid the last couple we lugged the grill back out onto the porch (according to building rules we don't have one, so SHHH!) and made it a little hotter. Earlier in the day, I'd marinated a couple portabella caps in a mixture of balsamic vinegar, olive oil,cooking sherry, and garlic. I left those in a ziploc bag in the fridge, and later they hit the grill.
portabella burger
They were very yummy, serviced up with some grey poupon and fresh spinach on whole wheat bulkie rolls.

I also made the mango-black bean-quinoa salad from V'con.
Mango Quinoa Salad
This was very good, but I made the quinoa while assembling, and in the future I'd give it a cold rinse or build in time to chill the entire salad. It was definitely one of those things that would be great as a COLD salad, and we had it pretty warm. All in all, a great summer dinner with a couple orange tequila drinks and some leftover ginger cookies for desert.


Vegan Ginger Cookies

I don't bake...I always feel the need to mess with recipes, and it almost never goes well when it comes to deserts. I've always made the dinner, and in turn my counterpart would be responsible for the desert. So why on earth did I feel like making cookies last night? I'm not sure, but they're REALLY REALLY GOOD.

I'd set my heart on ginger cookies of some variety, since it had never occurred to me that they get their color from molasses, an ingredient I didn't have. Google Advanced Search to the rescue!!! I found a recipe that was Vegan and molasses free in under five minutes. The only issue was that it called for applesauce, and I didn't have that either. But I said, I always improvise anyway.

Well this worked!!!
ginger cookies
The original recipe can be found over at I didn't have the crystallized ginger either, so I replaced that with some sliced up fresh ginger. I replaced the applesauce with about a cup of soy milk, and that was it. Everything else was done exactly according to the instructions, and they're probably the most successful baked good I've ever made. I highly recommend these, if I can make them, anyone can!


Monday, July 7, 2008

French Onion Soup...

Does not photograph well, but tastes REAAALLLY good. I used the recipe in the Jamie Oliver cookbook in which he actually gave the choice of whatever stock you like, I obviously chose Veggie.
french onion soup
The concept is a lot easier than I'd expected for some reason. Sautée a whole bunch of sliced onions with oil and butter, add garlic and spices, and a bunch of soup stock. Simmer, and then pour the whole thing over a slice of baguette in a bowl. Cover with cheese and melt.

That's it...REALLY. I didn't want to copy Jamie's recipe into here for copyright reasons, but in all seriousness, the above is exactly what I did. I used Fontina cheese, I believe he recommended Gruyere...obviously you can choose whatever you want, as long as it melts.

I've never had soup for breakfast before, it was kind of fun. Come winter, I may do this more often.


Sunday, July 6, 2008

Curried Udon Noodle Stir fry

It's been a pretty busy weekend, what with fireworks, our monthly pizza night, I haven't done much cooking.

Last night the guys were ordering Chinese, so I decided to make some of my own, using the recipe for curried udon noodles from V'con. I was very into the sauce, although I'd probably double it for next time to give the noodles a more generous coating. I also kept to the vegetables suggested in the recipe, which was a little lacking...I'd add peas, mushrooms, carrots...possibly baby corn, in the future.
curried udon noodle stir-fry
Overall...not bad, I'll enjoy the seconds for lunch at work today, and keep thinking up possibilities for next time, since I really liked the sauce. I added a sprinkling of black sesame seeds, simply because I thought it needed a shot of pizzaz...I couldn't really taste them or anything.

There's a french onion soup coming up...perhaps tomorrow. I'm excited because it's normally made with beef stock and I've never attempted to make a vegetarian version. It will have cheese on top...but I'm sure it could be replaced with Teese or something along those lines.


Thursday, July 3, 2008

Potato-Mushroom Blintzes

I wanted to make something fancy for breakfast today...and while these may not really look the part, they tasted awful good, so we'll chalk this one down as a success.

I made the potato-mushroom blintzes from V'con, using their "savory" crepe recipe, and putting in some Orange zest. I balked a little at the 1.5 cups of milk because the batter already looked pretty thin. In hindsight I should have just followed directions, because the batter (and in turn, the crepes) was a little thick.
potato shroom blintzes
I served them up with some of the spiced yogurt sauce from V'con, replacing cumin seeds with the straight cumin powder, and garam masala with Tandoori Masala. I'm not sure what the original would taste like, but my rendition worked great on the dish.

Mmm..I'm such a breakfast lover.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Orzo salad and improved mushroom burgers

It's been gorgeous and summery this week, so I felt like cooking to match the weather. Warm weather makes me think pasta salads and burgers, so that's what I did...although I'll be honest, I didn't do any grilling.

The Mediterranean Orzo recipe came from Claire's Classic American Vegetarian Cooking
orzo salad
I always thought I hated pasta salad growing up..turns out I just hate things covered in Mayo, I've got no issue with cold pasta tossed with fresh veggies, olive oil, and red wine vinegar...which is the way it oughtta be done anyhow. The colors and the flavor on this were perfect, and we almost ate our way through a huge soup pot's worth tonight alone.

I also decided that I'd retry my mushroom burger recipe today, since I ran out of the first batch last week. I made a few small adjustments, and the verdict? Much better. They're way less chewy,the flavor is just as good if not better...and now they're 100% vegan. I're welcome ;)> I'm going to copy the original recipe here, and note the changes made.
2 large button mushrooms; minced
1 portobella cap; minced
balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup nutritional yeast
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 cup vital wheat gluten
1 roasted red pepper; minced
1 cup bread crumbs

Heaping spoonful garlic
1 cup water
Chili flakes
Mesquite seasoning

If you have a gas burner, drop a red pepper directly on it,and char, turning with tongs to cook each side. When done, put it in a bowl covered with saran wrap. After approx. 10 minutes, remove and pull of skin. Mince.
Sautée mushrooms and garlic in the oil, a generous splash of balsamic vinegar, mesquite seasoning, and salt until cooked through.
Pour cooked mushrooms into a bowl and combine with ALL the other ingredients. I did all the dry ones first, then added the water.
Mash everything together with hands, and then form balls. Flatten the balls into 1.5 inch thick patties, and fry in the oil, approx. 4-5 minutes on each side.


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

pasta fritatta

We’re running short on food at the moment, and since I want to wait until the farmer’s market on Friday to pick up new stuff, I’m stretching it a little creatively.

This morning I made a frittata for breakfast, but since all we had for useful veggies was 4 mushrooms and some frozen peas, I decided I was going to put rice noodles in the oversized omelet as well. I’d seen Rachael Ray make a “fettucini-alfredo-fritatta” once, and figured this would run along the same lines. We don’t have any plain pasta left (I told you we need to go shopping) so the choices were really just between the rice noodles and soba anyway.

This was actually pretty good, the only problem being that the pasta rising above the top of the eggs got pretty dried out in the oven, and practically returned to its raw state. All the noodles cooked completely inside the frittata were perfect.
I apologize for the picture being blurry...I took a whole bunch, but I think the lighting had something to do with none of them being really crisp.

Nevertheless, it’s good, so here’s the recipe. I’d probably recommend using normal pasta if you don’t have rice noodles, it would probably eliminate the issue with the pasta on top hardening.


4 eggs

1 cup milk

Cream cheese

Approx. 8 ounces rice noodles

Handful button mushrooms

Handful frozen peas

Hot paprika

Freshly grated nutmeg

Salt and pepper

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Boil water for the noodles. Follow cooking instructions on package.

3. Oil a good-sized skillet, and toss in sliced mushrooms.

3. Mix together eggs, milk, several spoonfuls of the cream cheese, frozen peas, and spices in a bowl.
4. Once noodles are cooked al dente, drain and pour them into the egg mixture. Give everything another stir, and pour it into the skillet over the mushrooms.
5. Cook the frittata over medium heat for 5-10 minutes, until you can cleanly lift up the corners with a spatula. Finish in the oven until eggs look cooked on top.
6. Allow to cool for 5 minutes…slice and enjoy! (I like ketchup on mine)

You could definitely use normal powdered nutmeg, I just really enjoy using my new microplane grater on the whole stuff, and I do think it’s just a notch above.


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